Senin, 09 September 2013

Greatest Moment

ahh it's already more than a year since I wrote in this my own blog. many stories that I've passed and forgot to write here. maybe it was because of my thesis (Ups,, I dont have to blame it all to my thesis :p)
But now, emmm it was two months ago, I got my birthday, my 22nd birthday. will it be my last birthday in Purwokerto? with my best friends? I hope I can meet you again guys, next time, in a great condition of course. Aamiin..
It was like my greatest birthday. Cause what? cause finally I became a Law Bachelor. but now, I'm also a jobseeker. geeekkkkkk. God, please give me a nice job soon.
and here is the photos 

little surprise from my besties

full of number 2. special for 22 years old birthday girl.
up-bottom: date of my seminar, date of birth, my age, and my seminar room number
big smile

become a Law Bachelor, legally